Sunday, 18 December 2011


Pic 11: The Aurora.
This is a picture of the polar aurora, which appears in the
Arctic region. Generally speaking, this phenomenon is the
most amazing natural phenomena. It took scientists many
years to learn their secrets, and finally turned out to be
formed because of the Earth's magnetic field.
This aurora is the Earth’s defense mechanism. The deadly
solar wind, instead of “burning us”, is itself dissipated,
deflected and “burned” away from us by this magnetic
See this magnificent view, Is it not worthy of this great
phenomenon that is sworn by Allah? Allah says:
So I swear by the afterglow of sunset; (16) And by the night and
whatever it gathers in its darkness; (17) And by the moon when it
is at the full, (18) You shall certainly travel from stage to stage (in
this life and in the Hereafter). (19) What is the matter with them,
that they believe not? (20) And when the Qur'ân is recited to them,
they fall not prostrate, (21) {Note: Please do prostrate when you read this verse}
Y ح Praise be to Allah , He has made for us a
My mind keeps going back to the great celestial bodies,
Antares which is 300 Million Kilometers in size, and VY
Canis Majoris which is as big as 7 quadrillion Earths And
pulsars like AtTariq and AlKunnas.
Tell me something more, Is there something bigger than it?
 There certainly is something bigger, it is called a Galaxy.
The Galaxies are a system of stars and planets. They are
huge, planets and stars Antares, VY Canis Majoris and
Pulsars are just like small specs of dust in it!
Pic 12: A Galaxy
Typical galaxies range from dwarfs with as few as ten
million stars up to giant galaxies with one trillion stars, all
orbiting the galaxy's center of mass. Galaxies can also
contain many multiple star systems, star clusters, and
various interstellar clouds. Most galaxies are 1,000 to
100,000 parsecs in diameter. The parsec measurement unit
is used in astronomy. The parsec is a unit of length, equal
to just under 31 trillion kilometers (about 19 trillion miles),
or about 3.26 light-years. Although it is not yet well
understood, “dark matter” appears to account for around
90% of the mass of most galaxies. Observational data
suggests that super-massive black holes (4"5 ) may exist
at the center of many, if not all, galaxies.
Praise be to Allah, what a huge size. Is there
something bigger than it?
There certainly is!

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