Sunday, 18 December 2011

The star Antares dwarfs our sun

Pic 3: A real scale image illustrates the magnitude of our sun (a
point hardly seen on the picture) compared to star Antares
(Heart of the Scorpion).
Pic 4: Antares compared to Arctus and the Sun
Image above compares, on a real scale, our sun and the star
Arcturus with the giant Antares. The dotted line represents
the entire orbit of Mars (227 Million Km) while the Antares
is 300 Million Km! The smaller star to the side is Arcturus.
It is a mere 20 Million Kilometers. And our bright sun is
the small dot on the top. If Antares were placed in the
center of our solar system, its outer surface would lie
between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
So are there more stars like Antares, or is it the only one?

There certainly are many…….

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