Sunday, 18 December 2011

Pic 9: The Black hole
Scientists have recently discovered the existence of black
holes they called Stars, and is characterized by three
properties: 1 – it cannot be seen, 2 - are at high speeds, 3 -
to attract everything as if the sweep everything from the
sky. It works like a broom (6 "5 م) of the Universe,
gathering all the celestial debris.
These are the three qualities that are told to us in the Quran
in three words:

So verily, I swear by the (planets) receded. And by the planets that
move swiftly and hide
First word “AlKhunnas”  means any that cannot be
seen; Second “AlJawar” i.e that which moves
swiftly and Third “AlKunnas” i.e that which
sweeps and gathers everything to itself.
This verse of the Koran are a frontrunner in talking about
black holes before they were even discovered by the
Praise be to Allah, This is amazing. Tell me, If
the sun can burn us and pulsars emit such harmful
radiations and the blackholes sweep everything up, howsafe are we?..
Allah took care of that for us
@ A BC (The Protected Celing)

Pic 10: Magnetic shield around the earth
See in this picture the planet on the right is Earth. It is
surrounded by a magnetic field is very strong and this area
as we see it repels particles emitted from the Sun called the
solar wind, deadly, and without the presence of this field
vanished life on Earth.
So the Almighty said:
And We have made the heaven a roof, safe and well guarded. Yet
they turn away from its signs.
This magnetic field also manifests it self in other ways.

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